Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Catholics and immigration on No Spin News (Updated)

Those who follow me on Twitter/X will know that I posted there heavily last week about the controversy over Catholicism and immigration.  This evening, I appear on Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News program to discuss the controversy.  O'Reilly Premium Members can watch the segment here.

UPDATE 2/5: You can now watch the interview here.


  1. I think the immigration debate needs to be focused on the specific realities of the US today. Trump/Musk/Miller would like to deport 10 million "illegal" hard-working Catholics and replace them with 10 million "legal" Hindus and Sikhs. Which outcome is more conducive to de-Christianising the United States? That is the practical question for US Catholics, given the options available to them.

  2. I agree with the basic impetus Prof, But I do feel a sense of pain though, when charities run by the catholic church are cast as the main villain. I don't think all of them are bad, some of them probably provide important immediate care or services.

    There are obviously some bad actors who want to facilitate mass migration on a large scale with no checks and sometimes (maybe often) these bad actors use the catholic run institutions as a front.

    But in so far as some institutions maybe involved in just providing immediate care, treatment, food etc, they are just acting in line with the basic acts of mercy.

    Maybe the catholic authorities could issue statements to the effect of having a duty or obligation to convince those migrants to follow the law and turn themselves in or to report those migrants themselves as soon they have provided the immediate and urgent care.

    But since you might be commenting on this often Prof, I think along side responding to the left caths, we might also have to be more proactive in tackling Protestants as well who may see it as an overall opportunity to undermine the basic christian commitment to works of mercy as they have always done throughout the centuries by cashing in on the general resentment and trying to target all catholic services.

