Tuesday, January 14, 2025

A report from the Great Los Angeles Fire

On the extent, causes, and lessons of the disaster, in my latest article at Postliberal Order.


  1. It's ridiculous that an editorial is locked behind a paywall. An editorial! What's next: blogpost comments authored by anthropomorphic cats?

    By contrast, in A.D. 2002, it was easy to find editorials, such as this one, available for those whose net worth is in the ¢'s, to read.

  2. What bloggers and podcasters in 2002 didn't know was that if you could get just 5,000 people to pay $5 a month to access your blog or podcast you could turn your hobby into a six figure job. On top of that, you don't need to worry about editorial oversight like a normal op-ed columnist would.

    In the old days one could subscribe to Mother Jones, the Atlantic, National Review, and The American Conservative, and basically get the entire political spectrum of takes for a reasonable budget. And not just one guy from each camp, but many different writers with different interests and writing styles, all with actual editors. Now the same amount of money gets you 4 unedited blogs from 4 people whose livelihood rests on pandering to their audience. I am aware that Postliberal Order is a multi-person blog, but the trend is away from magazines and towards the one writer Substack model.
