Each of these selections is of an introductory character, and there is no actual philosophy in the first two, since those particular chapters are brief and biographical in nature. The more difficult and meaty material comes later in each book. But for what it’s worth, there they are. Nothing from The Last Superstition or On Nozick is available online, I’m afraid.
(That’s the actual cover to On Nozick up above, by the way, contrary to what the Amazon page would lead you to think. Note also that though the book got five friendly print reviews and no hostile ones, the one yutz who reviewed it at Amazon gave it two stars and claimed that it needed “more Nozick and less Feser.” Maybe that explains the sales figures. What the reader is actually complaining about is the fact that I devoted space to situating Nozick within the larger libertarian tradition of thought of which he was a part rather than treating him as an idiosyncratic and isolated freak, as is so often done. Sue me. Anyway, that particular book – which was finished in 2002, just before I began a serious rethink of libertarianism – has a fair amount of stuff in it that I no longer agree with. Still very useful if you want to understand Nozick, I like to think, but maybe someday I’ll write a nasty review of it myself.)
Any new books in the works??
ReplyDeleteAlright already!
ReplyDeleteI just finished Last Superstition, I'm a quarter through Philosophy of Mind, and Aquinas is in the mail from Amazon.
OK? ( I do have other reading to do, you know)
Wow. As an Austrian economist (libertarian fan of Mises and early Hayek) I am curious of how you've changed your thinking with regards to libertarianism?
ReplyDeleteYes, details to come at some point.
Get on the stick, man! ;-)
Long story, which I've addressed in several places. For my current thinking the best place to look is probably my recent Social Philosophy and Policy article "Classical Natural Law Theory, Property Rights, and Taxation," which you can find online via Google.