Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Life, Reproduction, and the Paradox of Evolution
Friday, February 28, 2025
Mackie on Pascal’s Wager
Thursday, February 20, 2025
What proceeds from Hart (Updated)
Epilogue 2/22: As those who have read the updates to this post will have learned, David Bentley Hart has apologized for the offending remarks and has had them removed from the documentary. He has also let me know that the interview was recorded years ago, that he did not remember that it included those remarks, and that he would not have allowed them to remain in it if he had remembered them. Accordingly, I retract my statement that he "has no honor." He has shown himself to be honorable indeed, and I happily accept and appreciate his apology.
Every time a truce between David Bentley Hart and me has been broken, it has been broken by him. And more than once, friendly and fence-mending exchanges in private have been followed by a public shivving on his part. The man has no honor. In a new documentary, he casually remarks that “Feser… really is a person for whom Christianity is mostly about, you know, killing people or, or you know, it’s about beating them.” The surrounding remarks are no less nasty. (Readers who don’t want to watch the entire thing can fast forward to about 57 minutes into it.)