Monday, December 2, 2024

Pints with Aquinas interview (Updated)

Recently Matt Fradd kindly had me on Pints with Aquinas for a wide-ranging three-hour interview. At the moment, the full interview is available to members but an excerpt has been posted today at YouTube, wherein Matt and I discuss the current state of the Catholic Church.

UPDATE 12/3: Today a second excerpt has been posted at YouTube, wherein Matt and I discuss the question of what would falsify Catholicism.


  1. Can't wait till it becomes available for the general public.

    Keep up the good work Prof!

  2. "You take suffering, you take disorder and you draw a good out of them by accepting it in a penitential spirit. And I think that's the way people ought to accept the suffering that they feel under the current administration of the Church under the papacy. I'm gonna take this on, I'm gonna bear it as Christ bore the cross."

    Bravo Ed, bravo.

    I'm speechless at how spiritually mature, well-elaborated, and true that statement was.

    As always, you were incredibly clear, helpful, and an example of how a true Catholic must act.
