Resuming our series on the serious critics of Thomas Nagel’s Mind and Cosmos, let’s turn to Simon Blackburn’s review in New
Statesman from a few months back. Blackburn’s review is negative, but it is not
polemical; on the contrary, he allows that the book is “beautifully lucid,
civilised, modest in tone and courageous in its scope” and even that there is
“charm” to it. Despite the review’s now somewhat notorious closing
paragraph (more on which below) I think Blackburn is trying to be fair to
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
Rosenhouse keeps digging
Here’s a conversation
that might occur between grown-ups:
Grown-up #1:
I haven’t read Nagel’s book or much of the positive commentary on it, but
based on what I’ve seen in the popular press it all seems like a lot of absurd
intellectual silliness based on caricature and sheer assertion.
Grown-up #2:
Jeez, don’t you think you ought to read it before making such sweeping
remarks? You’re hardly going to get a good sense of the content of a set
of complex philosophical arguments from a couple of journalistic pieces!
Grown-up #1:
Yeah, I guess so. Fair enough.
And here’s a
conversation between a grown-up and Jason Rosenhouse:
Saturday, March 23, 2013
EvolutionBlog needs better Nagel critics
Jason Rosenhouse tells us in a
recent post that he hasn’t read philosopher Thomas Nagel’s Mind and Cosmos. And it seems obvious enough from his remarks
that he also hasn’t read the commentary of any of the professional philosophers
and theologians who have written about Nagel sympathetically -- such as my own
series of posts on Nagel and his critics, or Bill
Vallicella’s, or Alvin
Plantinga’s review of Nagel, or Alva
Noë’s, or John
Haldane’s, or William
Carroll’s, or J.
P. Moreland’s. What he has read is a critical review of Nagel’s
book written by a non-philosopher, and a couple of sympathetic journalistic pieces about Nagel and some of his defenders. And on that
basis he concludes that “Nagel needs better defenders.”
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Nagel and his critics, Part VII
Let’s return
to our
look at the critics of Thomas Nagel’s Mind
and Cosmos. New commentary on Nagel’s
book continues to appear, and to some extent it repeats points made by earlier
reviewers I’ve already responded to. Here
I want to say something about Mohan
Matthen’s review in The Philosophers Magazine. In particular, I want to address what Matthen
says about the issue of whether conscious awareness could arise in a purely
material cosmos. (Matthen has also
commented on Nagel’s book over at the New APPS blog, e.g. here.)
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Review of Kurzweil
My review of
Ray Kurzweil’s recent book How
to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed appears in the April 2013 issue
of First Things.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Ferguson on Nagel
In the
cover story of the current issue of The
Weekly Standard, Andrew Ferguson reviews the controversy generated by
Thomas Nagel’s Mind and Cosmos. Along the way, he kindly makes reference to
what he calls my “dazzling six-part tour de force rebutting Nagel’s critics.” For interested readers coming over from The Weekly Standard, here are some links
to the articles to which Ferguson is referring, with brief descriptions of
their contents.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Capital punishment lecture
This Friday,
March 15, I’ll be speaking at California State University, San Bernardino on
the topic “Is Capital Punishment Just?” Details
(The short
answer, as my longtime readers know, is “Yes.”
I’ve discussed the issue on the blog and elsewhere many times, such as here, here,
here, here,
and here. But the talk on Friday will address some fundamental
issues about the grounds of punishment in general that are not discussed in
these earlier articles and posts.)
Monday, March 11, 2013
The whole man
My recent
review of Michael Gazzaniga’s Who’s in
Charge? Free Will and the Science of the Brain is
now available online at the Claremont
Review of Books website. And while
you’re on the subject of philosophical anthropology, you might also take a look
at William Carroll’s recent Public
Discourse article “Who
Am I? The Building of Bionic Man.”
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Spare not the Rod
Bentley Hart’s First
Things article on natural law,
which I
criticized a few days ago, got some positive responses elsewhere in the
blogosphere. One of its fans is Rod
Dreher at The American Conservative, who
If you don’t believe there is any
cosmic order undergirding the visible world, and if you don’t believe that you
are obliged to harmonize your own behavior with that unseen order (the Tao, you
might say), then why should you bind yourself to moral precepts you find
disagreeable or uncongenial? The most
human act could be not to yield to nature, but to defy nature. Why shouldn’t you? Or, to look at it another way, why should we
consider our own individual desires unnatural? Does the man who sexually and emotionally
desires union with another man defying [sic] nature? Well, says Hart, it depends on what you
consider nature to be.
Well, yes,
it does. This is news? Who, exactly, are the natural law theorists
who have ever denied this?
Friday, March 8, 2013
Philosophy on radio (UPDATED)
I’ll be
appearing later today on Catholic Answers Live, at 4:00 pm
(Pacific time). Today’s show is billed as
an “Open Forum for Atheists,” so have at it.
Links to some previous radio interviews can be found here.
UPDATE: The podcast of the show is now available here.
UPDATE: The podcast of the show is now available here.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
A Christian Hart, a Humean head
Note: The following article is cross-posted
over at First Things.
In a
piece in the March issue of First Things,
David Bentley Hart suggests that the arguments of natural law theorists are
bound to be ineffectual in the public square.
The reason is that such arguments mistakenly presuppose that there is
sufficient conceptual common ground between natural law theorists and their
opponents for fruitful moral debate to be possible. In particular, they presuppose that “the
moral meaning of nature should be perfectly evident to any properly reasoning
mind, regardless of religious belief or cultural formation.” In fact, Hart claims, there is no such common
ground, insofar as “our concept of nature, in any age, is entirely dependent
upon supernatural (or at least metaphysical) convictions.” For Hart, it is only when we look at nature
from a very specific religious and cultural perspective that we will see it the
way natural law theorists need us to see it in order for their arguments to be
compelling. And since such a perspective
on nature “must be received as an apocalyptic interruption of our ordinary
explanations,” as a deliverance of special divine revelation rather than
secular reason, it is inevitably one that not all parties to public debate are
going to share.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Back from Lafayette
Back today
from Lafayette, Louisiana, where I gave a talk (available for viewing via Vimeo -- or, alternatively, on YouTube) at Our Lady of Wisdom Church and Catholic Student Center, adjacent to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. I thank my host Fr. Bryce Sibley and the
other folks at the Church and Center for their warm hospitality. The fine group of guys you see above are some
readers with whom Fr. Sibley and I had a nice evening of gumbo, whiskey, and philosophical
and theological discussion.
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