Monday, August 26, 2013

Hitting Bottum

By now you may have heard that Joseph Bottum, reputedly conservative Catholic and former editor of First Things, has assimilated to the hive mind.  People have been asking me for a while now to write more on “same-sex marriage,” though I’ve been waiting for the publication of the full-length version of my new article on natural law and sexual morality -- of which the National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly recently published an excerpt -- before doing so.  The reason is that I don’t think there’s much point in discussing the marriage issue without situating it within the context of the traditional natural law approach to sexual morality in general.  And all the usual, stupid objections to that approach are dealt with in the forthcoming piece.  Best to have it to refer to, then, when commenting on current events, so that time need not be wasted endlessly repeating myself answering the same tired canards. 

But I can’t help commenting briefly on the subject anyway, because Bottum’s article is just too much.  And it’s too much because there’s nothing there.  Or rather, while the article is verbose in the extreme, what’s there is almost entirely stuff that completely undermines Bottum’s conclusion.  Yet he draws it anyway.  Matthew Franck at First Things nails it:

At one point in this bloated, interminable essay, meandering hither and yon, Bottum allows as how the authors of the Manhattan Declaration were chiefly thinkers and not writers.  Never was it more obvious that the reverse is true of Bottum.

Though Bottum’s conclusion is entirely un-Catholic, un-conservative, and contrary to natural law, what is most remarkable is just how very thoroughly he still accepts the substance of the Catholic, conservative, and natural law positions on this issue.  To be sure, when you see that he starts the article with some personal remarks about his bluegrass-playin’ gay friend Jim, your eyes cannot help but swivel back in their sockets.  You expect at first that it’s going to be yet another of those ghastly conversion stories, long on celebration and short on cerebration, that have become a staple of the “strange new respect” literature.  “Yes, fellow right-wingers, I too once opposed gay marriage -- until a long heart-to-heart over lattes with my central-casting gay [son, dentist, fellow bluegrass aficionado] convinced me that deep down we’re all just folks.”  The conservative as the dad in Heathers.

Yet that isn’t quite how it goes.  For one thing, by the end of the piece, Jim comes across not as a patient dispenser of homespun, tolerant wisdom, but as a thoroughly repulsive ideologue -- humorless, paranoid, intellectually dishonest, seething with hatred, and even totalitarian in his desire juridically to force the Catholic Church to take on board his pseudo-moral prejudices.  For another, Bottum never quite affirms “same-sex marriage” as per se a good thing -- though he does make a half-hearted attempt to see the empty glass as half-full -- but mainly as a fait accompli he thinks it is counterproductive to oppose anymore.

Hence Bottum acknowledges that there is an argument from principle for opposing “same-sex marriage” however dismal are the prospects for success and the political repercussions of such opposition.   He agrees that opposition to “same-sex marriage” does not necessarily reflect hatred of homosexuals, and that the accusations of bigotry flung against those who oppose it are often politically calculated.  He affirms that advocates of “same-sex marriage” can be “insipid,” “self-righteous,” “uncritical,” and ignorant of the law and of the relevant arguments.  He also allows that some of these advocates of are driven by hatred of Christianity, and of Catholicism in particular.  Indeed, he admits that “one Catholic fear about same-sex marriage with force [is] the fear that the movement is essentially disingenuous,” less about allowing homosexuals to “marry” than it is an excuse to curtail the free practice of traditional religion.

And that’s just for starters.  Bottum laments “the turn against any deep, metaphysical meaning for sex in the West,” sees the push for “same-sex marriage” as part of the general collapse of sexual morality and of the sanctity of marriage, and regards its juridical victories as the “logical conclusion [of] the great modern project of disenchantment” that also led to legalized abortion.  While he criticizes the “new natural law” arguments of Grisez, Finnis, and George, he does so because he regards them (quite correctly, in my view) as metaphysically desiccated, too deferential to modern assumptions, and unconvincing.  Instead he affirms “the thicker natural law of the medievals,” characterizing Aquinas’s natural law theory in particular as “a grand, beautiful, and extremely delicate structure of rationality.”

On the theological side, Bottum acknowledges that Catholic teaching, including that of Pope Francis, “grants the faithful Catholic little room to maneuver on same-sex marriage.”  He agrees that “we should not accept without a fight an essentially un-Catholic retreat from the public square to a lifeboat theology and the small communities of the saved.”  He tells us -- exactly on the money as far as I am concerned -- that “the goal of the church today must primarily be the re-enchantment of reality” (i.e. a defense of the traditional metaphysics underlying natural law) and that it must thereby “start rebuilding the thick natural law.”  And he respects the conservative worry about the unforeseen consequences of radical social experiments like “same-sex marriage.”  Though it’s obviously not what he has chosen to emphasize in this piece, it seems pretty clear that Bottum has for the most part not given up the conservative, Catholic, and natural law moral and metaphysical objections to “same-sex marriage.” 

Yet for all that he recommends that Catholics drop their opposition to “same-sex marriage” as a civil institution.  Why?  As far as I can tell he has four reasons.  They’re all bad.

First, Bottum seems to think there is no common, non-theological intellectual ground on which the opponents of “same-sex marriage” can conduct their arguments with its proponents.   For despite his praise for the natural law tradition represented by Aquinas, he says that its “premises may not be provable, but they are visible to faith.”  That is precisely the reverse of what Aquinas and other traditional natural law theorists maintain, the reverse of what the Catholic Church teaches, the reverse of what scripture teaches, and the reverse of the truth.  A natural law that rests on “faith” is not the natural law.  Natural law arguments rest essentially on what can be known from a purely philosophical analysis of reality in general and human nature in particular -- not a popular philosophical analysis these days, to be sure, but certainly one that need make no reference to divine revelation or ecclesiastical authority.  What Plato and Aristotle knew without revelation, desiccated modern liberals can also come to know without revelation, albeit with a lot more work.  

And as I have shown at length in The Last Superstition, Aquinas, and elsewhere, the most basic metaphysical ingredients of the classical, “enchanted” metaphysical picture of the world, and even some of the moral ones, are in fact already being rediscovered by contemporary secular philosophers.  Anyone who thinks that the moderns cannot be brought around by rational argument to reconsider essentialism, teleology, the notion of the good as what fulfills our nature, and other elements of traditional metaphysics simply hasn’t been paying attention.

Like David Bentley Hart, Bottum seems to be conflating philosophy with theology, and the natural with the supernatural.  That is not a position consistent with Catholicism, given the Church’s condemnation of fideism.  Nor is it consistent with scripture, given St. Paul’s teaching in Romans 1 that those without divine revelation are “without excuse” -- not only for their idolatry, but also for what Paul specifically refers to as their departure from what is “natural” vis-à-vis sexual relations.

I am well aware, of course, that the liberal proponent of “same-sex marriage” does not accept natural law, Catholic teaching, or scripture in the first place.  The point, though, is that Bottum still accepts them -- and that since he does, he hasn’t a philosophical or theological leg to stand on in abandoning the fight against “same-sex marriage” on grounds of fideism.

Bottum’s second reason for recommending acquiescence to “same-sex marriage” is juridical.  He writes:

[U]nder any principle of governmental fairness available today, the equities are all on the side of same-sex marriage.  There is no coherent jurisprudential argument against it—no principled legal view that can resist it.

If what Bottum means here is that the jurisprudential arguments that have won the day in recent decisions are obviously compelling ones, then as Matthew Franck says, this is simply a “howler.”  But perhaps what Bottum means -- given the qualifier “available today” -- is that the despotic legislating-from-the-bench that has become the trump card of even “conservative” justices like Roberts and Kennedy essentially makes a victory for opponents of “same-sex marriage” impossible.  Maybe so, and maybe not.  But such an argument would in any case prove too much.  It would “justify” caving in not only on “same-sex marriage,” but also on abortion, health care policy, and pretty much everything else.  It amounts to a recommendation that judicial despotism not be resisted if the despots are sufficiently ruthless.  What is conservative, Catholic, or even remotely sane about that

Bottum’s third reason also involves capitulation, this time to secular culture.  He opines that:

Campaigns against same-sex marriage are hurting the church, offering the opportunity to make Catholicism a byword for repression in a generation that, even among young Catholics, just doesn’t think that same-sex activity is worth fighting about.

He adds that the clergy sex scandals have undermined the Church’s moral authority on matters of sex anyway.  Perhaps Bottum would also have advised the early Christians to just lighten up and offer a little incense to Caesar -- the young people, after all, couldn’t see what the big deal was, and anyway all that martyrdom stuff was just making Christians look like fanatics.  Perhaps he would have told Athanasius to knock it off already with the Trinitarianism, since it was just alienating the smart set.  Besides, most of the bishops had caved in to Arianism, so that the Church lacked any moral authority on the subject.  And maybe Bottum would have advised the Christian warriors at Spain, Vienna, and Lepanto to get real and learn to accept a Muslim Europe.  After all, these various desperate Catholic efforts were, as history shows, a waste of time -- the Roman persecutors, Arians, and invading Muslims all won out in the end, right? 

But to be fair, those analogies aren’t quite right.  A better analogy would be Bottum suggesting that a little emperor worship might actually serve the cause of monotheism; or that giving Arianism free reign might advance recognition of the divinity of Christ; or that submitting to dhimmitude might be a good way of restoring Christendom.  For here is what Joseph Bottum, prophet of a re-enchanted reality and rebuilder of Aquinas’s natural law, sees, if only murkily, in his crystal ball:

In fact, same-sex marriage might prove a small advance in chastity in a culture that has lost much sense of chastity. Same-sex marriage might prove a small advance in love in a civilization that no longer seems to know what love is for. Same-sex marriage might prove a small advance in the coherence of family life in a society in which the family is dissolving.

I don’t know that it will, of course…

No, of course the level-headed Bottum wouldn’t claim to know that it will.  Just like we couldn’t, you know, have been absolutely sure at the time that offering incense to the emperor might somehow undermine idolatry, or that denying Christ’s divinity would lead people to embrace His divinity, or that ceding lands to the Jihad would lead to new church construction therein.  Hey, it’s all a crap shoot, but we can hope!

If this sounds like good old-fashioned American optimism ad absurdum, that’s only natural given the fourth, and apparently main, reason for Bottum’s surrender:

 We are now at the point where, I believe, American Catholics should accept state recognition of same-sex marriage simply because they are Americans.

It’s all about “old-timey Americana, the stuff we all still share.”   Good sportsmanship.  Consensus.  Compromise.  Tolerance.  Affability.  The things that can bring a Catholic Republican together with his gay buddy Jim for a burger and some bluegrass in Gramercy Park.  You know, the stuff that really matters at the end of the day. 

Uptight teachers of the faithful are always setting father against son and mother against daughter, but that’s no way to win over the youth demographic.  The modern Catholic will find a surer guide in Modern Family.  If the kids aren’t down with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, let’s try William James’s Gospel of Relaxation.  So take it easy, fellow Catholics.  Go with the flow.  Chill out.  It’s all good.  Not exactly the Beatitudes, but mind you it is all so very American.  I would say that Bottum isn’t being true to his religion, except that I suspect that he is. 

Anyway, as a famous non-American once said, no man can serve two masters.  And by Bottum’s own admission, people like his pal Jim aren’t likely to be satisfied with back-slapping bonhomie, or with the Church being a good loser.  They don’t want Catholics merely to quit the field.  They want them to obey -- to pay for contraceptives, to photograph same-sex “weddings,” to keep their opinions about sexual morality to themselves if they know what’s good for them.  If you’ll forgive more pop culture references -- perhaps the only “stuff we all still share” any more in this One Nation Under Compulsory Genial Tolerance -- Bottum starts by channeling Sally Field, but will end up on the floor alongside Kevin Bacon


  1. >September 3, 2013 at 6:49 PM


    Tony will you just be honest and fess up what you believe? What are you ashamed of it or something?
    Because that last post doesn't sound Catholic.

    Are you or are you not Catholic? If not what are you Reformed? Evangelical? What?

    Stop being so coy.

  2. Oh & Tony stop being so obtuse.

    My point was quite clear! There is no death penalty for homosexuals in the OT. There is a death penalty (which is not easy to enforce) if some dude penetrates the nether regions of another dude with his willy.

    They don't have to be gay. They could be Bi or most;ly straight & very very very very drunk( I've heard horror stories from some chaps I can't repeat).

    The Fathers don't cite Jewish Tradition to interpret the OT Laws of the ancient Israelite Common Wealth because as I had said repeatedly.

    They are anachronistic under the new law.

  3. That Scott completely gets it shows I am not being obscure.

  4. and his secondary point to be that even that penalty was ringed round with so many requirements that it was rarely, if ever, put into practice.

    My point was that what they put into practice may have been, effectively, "transgress[ing] the commandment of God by your tradition?"

    The Fathers don't cite Jewish Tradition to interpret the OT Laws of the ancient Israelite Common Wealth because as I had said repeatedly.

    They are anachronistic under the new law.

    The tradition wouldn't be anachronistic in understanding the meaning of the Old Law as written. Which the Fathers regularly interpreted.

    I took Ben's original point to be that there was no death penalty for homosexuals as such in the Bible, but only a penalty for certain sorts of activity

    I took Ben to be responding to George's reference to homosexual behavior in priests. Well, because Ben said this:

    >George R. doing his usual schtick of advocating the death penalty for homosexuals.

    George believes in Geocentricsism and he calls himself "Catholic" but he doesn't believe Francis is the true Pope.

    He is a Sedevacantist schismatic.

    BTW there is no "death penalty for homosexuals in the Bible".

    Now, I didn't dispute that George believes in geocentrism, or that he is a sedevacantist. It was only the last point as a response to George that I considered questionable. And I didn't blow up about it, I just asked for better support. Since George didn't posit death for the condition of homosexuality -

    impelling us to repress such a crime with the greatest possible zeal.

    I considered that Ben's point about "homosexuality" was, as George's point was, about the homosexuality put into action: the crimes, not condition, because not one single word following his thesis focused on the difference between the condition and the behavior. So, I was reading carefully, and either Ben was being sloppy in responding to George, or he was being sloppy in apparently attaching to that comment about homosexuality an explanation for a different thesis than the one he stated explicitly, one that needs stronger support than he gave it. Granted that he was being sloppy in responding to George, I will support his limited thesis wholeheartedly: There is no death penalty for the condition of homosexuality in the Bible. And nobody was suggesting there was.

    Tony will you just be honest and fess up what you believe? What are you ashamed of it or something?
    Because that last post doesn't sound Catholic.

    And how does that contribute the the commentary? Anyone "paying close attention for any 2 month period on this blog, lo these last 2 to 3 years or so, would know the answer. Easily. I refuse to submit to your badgering to satisfy your idle curiosity for something that is neither here nor there to the points being made. If you cannot discern my entirely correct attitude toward Apostolic Tradition from my words, that's your problem, not mine.

    Oh & Tony stop being so obtuse says Ben the Belligerent, Ben the Bellicose, Ben the uptight. Get a grip.

  5. @Ben Yachov:

    "The Fathers don't cite Jewish Tradition to interpret the OT Laws of the ancient Israelite Common Wealth because as I had said repeatedly.

    They are anachronistic under the new law."

    In fact, as I noted earlier, the Epistle of Barnabas does mention a point of Jewish tradition (the scarlet wool) while making that very point (about the "scapegoat" as a "type" of Christ and the obsolescence of the old law).


    Ben didn't say George R. was calling for the death of homosexuals; he was responding to someone else (one of the Anons) who said George R. was saying that. You're quite right that in the actual piece to which he'd linked, George R. was calling only for the death of homosexual priests and not homosexuals generally.

    (I'm not sure the distinction matters here anyway, though, because as I recall he was calling for their execution simply as homosexuals and not because of any specific acts they were alleged to have performed. If so, then Ben's reply was entirely on point as a response to George R. too.)

  6. Then again, if you're right about what George R. was actually arguing, then Ben's response wouldn't apply. Even in that case, though, his response makes sense in reply to the post he was actually answering—which, again, wasn't George R.'s but someone else's.

    Much of this confusion could be avoided by (a) not posting anonymously and (b) making clear who's being quoted when.

  7. Thank you again Scott.

    >And how does that contribute the the commentary? Anyone "paying close attention for any 2 month period on this blog, lo these last 2 to 3 years or so, would know the answer. Easily. I refuse to submit to your badgering to satisfy your idle curiosity for something that is neither here nor there to the points being made. If you cannot discern my entirely correct attitude toward Apostolic Tradition from my words, that's your problem, not mine.

    Full disclose is necessarily for honest dialog. If you are Protestant(& you use a lot of Protestant language here yet for some confusing reason accused me of believing in Sola Scriptura?) then own it.

    >Ben the Belligerent, Ben the Bellicose, Ben the uptight. Get a grip.

    I apologized before for offending you. It seems you hold a grudge.

    Geez get over it.

    Now I hold my share of grudges but I won't turn down an apology.

  8. For the record, it was Step2 who wrote, @Tony, "...R. doing his usual schtick of advocating the death penalty..." (See Step2's comment of September 1, 2013 at 5:35 AM (on 2nd page of comments).)

    (Not that he's responsible in any way for what followed, mind; just sayin', is all.)

  9. My bad; it was Step2, not one of the Anons, whom Ben was quoting and answering.

    Also, in re-checking the page to which George R. had linked, I see that at least by implication it is about behavior and not sexual orientation.

  10. Heh, I see Glenn posted the same information as I was typing my own post. Thanks, Glenn.

  11. Scott,

    Heh, I see Glenn posted the same information as I was typing my own post. Thanks, Glenn.

    Given the recent climate, I shall refrain from saying, Bitte. "You're welcome," will have to do instead.


  12. If you cannot discern my entirely correct attitude toward Apostolic Tradition from my words, that's your problem, not mine.

    Full disclose is necessarily for honest dialog. If you are Protestant(& you use a lot of Protestant language here yet for some confusing reason accused me of believing in Sola Scriptura?) then own it.

    Seriously? Would a Protestant use capitals to refer to Apostolic Tradition? Would a Protestant ask for evidence in the Fathers of the Church as proof that a certain kind of argument is considered "authoritative"? Would a Protestant rely on Aquinas all the time like I have for 3 years? Would a Protestant quote the Catholic Encyclopedia to make his point? Would a Protestant make an argument that specifically states that Apostolic Tradition is protected from error by the Holy Spirit? Would a Protestant ask for Patristic passages? Would a Protestant agree with you that George is a sedevacantist schismatic? For someone who claims to be a careful reader, you sure miss a lot of stuff.

    But for real, I didn't choose the the words in the expression my entirely correct attitude toward Apostolic Tradition by ACCIDENT. Which, for anyone who is such a careful reader and who "pays close attention" to all the other indicators above, would have told you everything you were asking to know.

    C'mon, Ben, tell me whether you are married or not, how many kids you have, where you work, your bank account, how you get to work, and your shoe size. Full disclosure is necessary for honest dialog.

    yet for some confusing reason accused me of believing in Sola Scriptura?) then own it.

    Hahaha. You threw a stupid, pointless throw-away line at me, and when I simply threw it right back at you, you took it personally. You missed the whole footless joke:

    >So you are a Sola Scriptura Protestant then Tony? Come on fess up?

    No, it seems more like you are.

    Maybe I should have said "it takes one to know one", would that have been sufficiently school-yard-ish? Your badgering school-yard tone deserved no better from me.

    Look, I will make ONE attempt to clarify this whole contretemps:

    Ben, when you followed your comments about George with the statement you made

    BTW there is no "death penalty for homosexuals in the Bible"

    were you commenting in reference George at all, or solely and strictly in reference to what Step2 said? I thought that you were commenting about both what Step2 said and what was in the link George referred us to. If I was wrong, I simply misunderstood your justaposition of comments about George in between the quote from Step2 and your response to it. I thought your comment was directed at both.

    Next, when you followed your statement about no death penalty for homosexuals with commentary about trial and punishment practices for the crime of sodomy, was the commentary SUPPOSED TO BE RELATED to the statement about the death penalty for homosexuals?

    I took them to be related. If that was a mistake, and you did not intend them to be related, then that clarifies the matter. I took the commentary to be making an implicit follow-on point: that sodomy was not really punished, and that this had a bearing on what George had referred us to, as a kind of (at least) counterbalancing of the thesis in Pius V's document. But if I was mistaken, and your putting the second point after the first did not mean the second had any bearing on the first, then I misunderstood your juxtapositioning.

  13. If you read what Tony writes consistently you would know that the idea of Tony being Protestant is absolutely ludicrous. I don't know how you possibly mistook Tony for a Protestant from all of this.

  14. malcolmthecynic,

    I don't know how you possibly mistook Tony for a Protestant from all of this.

    Possibly he felt his faith was under a stealth attack. If so, that would explain his defensiveness. (When some people get defensive, they do so with "the best defense is a good offense" in mind.) Haven't the time go into it right now (gotta go pick up my wife); maybe later I will.

  15. @Tony

    I asked you directly & explicitly if you where Catholic because I did not know & was up about forgetting if you where.

    You decided to be coy & keep using a lot of Protestant buzz words such as citing Scripture verses that attack Traditions of men which Prots use to attack all tradition. As such I could not tell if you where citing them to attack Jewish Traditions as Traditions of Men & or the idea of Tradition in general. You could be interpreted either way.

    You see I had to keep guessing what you believed instead of you being honest & up front about it.

    Also you attacked the reliability of Mishna Traditions using arguments I've seen Prots use against Catholic Traditions that are ancient & have little by means of contemporay witness & you just let that go without comment(like the assumption). The "they get corrupted over time meme." Sounds like something the Tribalog dudes would say. I'm sorry but it does.

    I might have interpreted your words differently if you where up front with me.

    >C'mon, Ben, tell me whether you are married or not, how many kids you have, where you work, your bank account, how you get to work, and your shoe size. Full disclosure is necessary for honest dialog.

    Reminding me if you are Catholic or not on a Catholic Philosopher's blog is not morally the same as me asking your social security number or personal life. I don't know or care.

    So can we just chill and move on?

    >If you read what Tony writes consistently

    I don't which is why I asked for clarification & got coyness.

    >ere you commenting in reference George at all, or solely and strictly in reference to what Step2 said?

    step2 if you would go back along the thread has been taking a few pot shots at the OT so I thought a pot shot defense was in order.

    90% of the Atheists & gays I have ever met have have told me "The Bible has the death penalty for being gay".

    Also they all default to Polemics against a Protestant view of the Bible we Catholics reject.

  16. BTW

    >Would a Protestant use capitals to refer to Apostolic Tradition?

    If he was Anglican or High Church. Yes

    >Would a Protestant ask for evidence in the Fathers of the Church as proof that a certain kind of argument is considered "authoritative"?

    Yes of course even Evangelicals like the late Walter Martin cited the Fathers & witnesses of early doctrines they agreed with.

    >Would a Protestant rely on Aquinas all the time like I have for 3 years?

    Yes he would. Evangelical apologist Norman Geisler is a Protestant Thomist & wrote a book on Aquinas.

    >Would a Protestant quote the Catholic Encyclopedia to make his point?

    Yes it's been done to me many times.

    >Would a Protestant make an argument that specifically states that Apostolic Tradition is protected from error by the Holy Spirit?

    You where not clear on that since you discounted the idea the HS would preserved traditional understandings of the OT.

    Would a Protestant ask for Patristic passages?

    Yes Protestants cite the Fathers.

    >Would a Protestant agree with you that George is a sedevacantist schismatic?

    Yes if he knows what that is even thought techically Prots are Sede's who claim the throne of Peter has been empty since Peter.

    >For someone who claims to be a careful reader, you sure miss a lot of stuff.

    No I've just debated a lot of Protestants. It was my thing when I was in my 20's.

  17. Tony,

    Aquinas sad small mistakes can lead to large errors.

    A simple "I am Catholic" would have solved a lot of your so called problems with me. Oh and it's not the same as you tell us your personal life or who you are dating or your address and phone number.

    Which you shouldn't give out on the web & I would not dream of asking you about it in the first place.

  18. Apology accepted. We can move on.

    Ben, in the future, if you sincerely want to know if someone is Catholic or Mormon or Animist in order to understand them and to respond to their thinking, asking them by telling them to "Come on fess up" as in

    >So you are a Sola Scriptura Protestant then Tony? Come on fess up?

    may not be really the best way to go about it. It doesn't come off like a sincerely posed question for the good of the conversation. At least not to me.

    Now, on to other matters: How 'bout them Padres, hmm?

  19. >Apology accepted. We can move on.

    Yes & thank you.

    >Now, on to other matters: How 'bout them Padres, hmm?

    I'm a nerd so I don't play basketball or sports in general so I don't know anything about that.;-)

    I play MMORPG's!


    For a month I did play Star Wars there is a month of my life I'll never get back.

  20. Ben,

    I'm a nerd so I don't play basketball or sports in general so I don't know anything about that.;-)

    This must mean you're not a Mets fan. Lucky you! When you're a Mets fan, 'tis inevitable that you'll wake up one day and realize that purgatory is the best you can realistically hope for.

  21. In theory I am a Yankee's fan and an Islanders fan. I was raised an Islanders fan but I don't practice except at weddings and holidays.

    I'm in theory a Yankee's fan because my Godmother is one & a college girlfriend of mine was too but I fell away from the Yankee's when she broke up with me.

    At this point I doubt Sports even exist but I believe in God.:-)

    My brother is a devout Mets and Islanders fan. He is not happy these days.

    My cousin entered into a mixed marriage. Sure he's Catholic like the rest of us but he remains to this day a Rangers fan. Twus a challenge.


  22. From the article:

    given St. Paul’s teaching in Romans 1 that those without divine revelation are “without excuse” -- not only for their idolatry, but also for what Paul specifically refers to as their departure from what is “natural” vis-à-vis sexual relations.

    But St. Paul states a definite causation relationship between both moral evils, namely that idolatry is the cause of deviant sexual behavior. This is also stated in Catechism #2087:

    St. Paul speaks of the "obedience of faith" as our first obligation. He shows that "ignorance of God" is the principle and explanation of all moral deviations.

    Though that faith could be, according to Rom 8:20-21, the elementary "natural" faith of anthropocentric theism summarized in Heb 11: 6, clearly today in Western society it means, in practice, that of Christianity. The moral necessity of which, regarding this issue, was stated by Pius XII's encyclical Humani Generis:

    It is for this reason that divine revelation must be considered morally necessary so that those religious and moral truths which of themselves are not beyond the grasp of human reason may, in the present condition of the human race, be known by all men with ease, with firm certainty and with no admixture of error. [1]

    1. Conc. Vatic. D.B., 1876, Cont. De Fide cath., cap. 2, De revelatione.

  23. From the article:

    Perhaps Bottum would also have advised the early Christians to just lighten up and offer a little incense to Caesar

    The analogy is not right, as it is equivalent to advising today's Christians to take part in gay events. On the other hand, the public action that Feser advocates is not equivalent to early Christians refusing to offer incense to the emperor, but to those Christians publicly advocating outlawing pagan worship, or at least denying it official status. To note, pagan worship did eventually lose official status in 380, and even became illegal in 392, but that was _after_ the majority of the population had become Christian. We could draw a lesson from that sequence of events.

  24. From Chad's post August 27, 2013 at 3:16 PM:

    "When a Christian's doing what he's supposed to be doing, it's pretty hard for the media to make him into a bad guy."

    Our example of the perfect Christian was crucified.
